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ROMANCE: Vampire Romance Collection (Menage BBW Young Adult Paranormal) (Vampire Shapeshifter Romance Short Stories) Page 2

  She laid her head on her pillow with every intention of going to sleep, but it was not quite working out that way. It was going to be a long night.


  Sage woke up a little later than her normal time, but she went about her usual routine with one exception—she decided she would go to the local mall instead of her usual routine of going to work. Perhaps she would find something new and interesting to wear.

  She arrived at the mall and went to one of her favorite shops. After picking out a cute pair of capri pants and a lacey halter top, she ran next door and got a manicure and pedicure then grabbed a quick lunch. After she was done with her day of retail therapy and mini-spa day, she headed to her car. It was 3:30 already and she needed to bust ass to get home and get ready for her date.

  Sage whipped into the driveway of her brick town house, and pulled into the garage. As she walked through her dining room, she saw her message light blinking on the answer machine. She ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time before she rounded the top and into her bedroom. Pressing the play button on the machine, she went over to her dresser to get a clean bra and a clean pair of underwear. As she was removing the tags from a matching set she had picked out a few weeks ago from Victoria Secret as she heard his voice. Goosebumps covered her skin as she began to shake. How did he find me? When did he even get out of jail, she wondered. Suddenly, Sage dropped to the floor, afraid to move, afraid he was watching her.

  Jake Matthews--the only man she had ever given her whole heart to, the man whom she lost her virginity too, the man she had planned to a marry, and the man who took every ounce of self-esteem and freedom from her—was on the other end of the phone as the recording played. She curled into a ball as she replayed what he said in her head.

  “My dearest Sage. It's been too long since I caressed your smooth skin. Did you think I had forgotten how you feel beneath me? Have you forgotten how I feel, as my cock is sliding in and out of your tight pussy, tearing your walls apart? Don't worry my dear. I am coming for you and this time I won't let you get away...alive." His words were followed by a twisted maniacal laughter. Sick with fear, Sage crawled into her master bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She had lost all track of time as she sat their staring at the wall. She began to feel a vibration in her pocket and reach into to retrieve her cell phone. An unknown number came across the screen. She froze. Her phone dropped to the floor and cracked the screen. The phone vibrated a second time, but this time, it was incoming text from the same number. With shaky hands, Sage picked up the phone and read the text.

  Marcus: Sage this is Marcus, are you alright? I have been down stairs knocking on the door for the last twenty minutes?

  Sage sighed. Relief washed over her as she realized it was only Marcus, but the relief was short-lived as she suddenly realized she had forgotten about their date entirely.

  Sage: I am sorry, I am in a bit of a mess and in no shape to go out tonight, can we reschedule?

  Tears began to fall, as the phone vibrated in her hand again.

  Marcus: Of course we can reschedule, but please let me in. If you want to talk, I'll listen, we can order some take-out, or maybe you could just use the company.

  Sage didn't know what to say, this man was so sweet and it was almost like her knew she needed someone, and she needed not to be alone. Besides, she justified the fact that with him, there was no way that Jake would ever think to approach her home or her, for that matter.

  Sage: Of course, just give me a few minutes to freshen up and change my clothes.

  Sage flushed the toilet, grabbed a wash cloth and washed her face before she grabbed her phone, turned off the light, and exited her bathroom.


  Sage quickly changed from her jeans and tank top, to a pair of yoga pants and a fresh t-shirt. She left her hair down, allowing it to fall over her shoulders as she quickly ran a brush through it. She quickly made her way down stairs and to the door. As she opened the door, her voice caught in her throat. Standing before her was Marcus, but instead of being dressed in his normal slacks and button up shirt, he was in jeans and a nice pullover, with sandals on his feet. In his hand, he held a small bouquet of sunflowers, her favorite flower. How did he know, she wondered.

  She quickly stepped back, as she found her voice.

  "Hello Marcus, I am terribly sorry for tonight, please come in." she said.

  As Marcus followed her in, she swiftly shut the door and locked it behind him. Marcus gave her a curious look as he spoke, "Hey Sage, I am glad you still let me in. I was beginning to get worried when you didn't answer the door, even more so when you didn't answer the phone. But when you responded to my text, I figured you could have used some company instead and a quiet evening in.”

  "How did you get my number?"she asked, as she eyed him supiciously.

  "I called Jodie when you didn't come to the door after fifteen minutes." he said, looking shy and embarrassed.

  "Oh, it's been a long afternoon." she replied, her features falling, "Thank you for being so considerate."

  Conversation between Marcus and Sage came like second nature as they had ordered Chinese food and shared a glass of wine. Marcus didn't pry for information. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable—not now. Now since he finally had her attention. Still, he was obviously curious, but restrained himself out of respect. Yet, somehow, Sage felt comfortable enough to share the events that transpired prior to his arrival over dinner. She figured that it just might do her some good to talk to someone. After all, five years was a long time to keep this to herself. Perhaps it was time to let someone in—even if only a little.


  As dinner arrived, Marcus greeted the delivery man at the door while Sage set out the plates, utensils, wine glasses, and the wine itself. Marcus quickly paid for their food and returned to the dining table in the eat-in kitchen. They both worked together making their plates and pouring the wine.

  As they began to eat, Sage took a big swig of her wine and then looked at Marcus. "Marcus, I feel I need to explain my behavior this afternoon, but before I do, I must warn you that my past isn't as pretty as my present." Sage said as she took a small bite of her food.

  "Sage, whatever you need to say, I am here to listen and I promise I won't judge you." Marcus said as he dabbed the corner of his mouth with his napkin and sat back to listen. Sage began to regale him with the tale of what happened five years ago. She spoke of Jake and how they first met. She described how she was young and fell head over heels in love with him—and that he was her first love. “And then, he asked me to marry him.” she explained. Silence fell over the room like the night blanketed the Earth after dusk. As the minutes ticked by, Marcus watched the emotions played across her face. He saw fear, pain, hurt, regret, loss, but most importantly he saw this beautiful woman, the woman he knew he loved, breaking all over again from the events that haunted her past.

  After a few moments, Sage finally told him the rest of the story. “That was when things started to turn ugly. It was just a slap in the face at first. We were having a fight over something stupid—the guest list, I think—but then, it became commonplace. The abuse became regular. The fights were just about an everyday occurrence. A black eye here, a busted lip there…but nothing permanent. Then, the unthinkable happened. I came down with the flu and was not up to my—as he called it—‘soon-to-be wifely duties. He blamed me for having a one hundred and three degree temperature saying that I got sick because I didn’t want to have sex with him that night. He told me that being sick was no excuse to not take care of him. That night, he climbed on top of me. No matter how hard I fought…” Tears began to stream down her face. Marcus thought of nothing but to comfort her. However, a rage developed in him that he had never felt before in his almost one thousand years on the planet.

  She continued. “The next night, I was still sick, but could barely move. I still had the flu. He called home from the bar and told me to dress in something sexy a
nd fix myself up. He said I better have dinner cooking and almost done for him. I was sick and could not get out of bed. I put down the phone and fell asleep. He came in and was furious. He snatched me out of bed and told me I was stupid for defying him. I tried to explain that I had fallen asleep because of the medication I was taking, but he didn’t care. He back handed me across the room, knocking my head into a china hutch. Before I could recover, he was on me, with a knife in hand. He cut my cheeks from my ear to my chin on both sides of my face. Then, he began to slam his fists into my ribs. After a while, I blacked out. I woke up twenty-four days later in the intensive care unit in the hospital. Apparently, I had been in a coma. The doctors were amazed that I pulled through. He broke six of my ribs in four places per rib, shattered my jaw, fractured my skull, and fractured my femur. He quite literally beat me within an inch of my life and left me for dead. My parents hired the best lawyer, and we pressed charges. He was put in prison, but apparently he got out. He somehow managed to find my number. I came home after a shopping trip to the mall for our date and discovered a message on my machine. I thought maybe that it was from you, but I was so wrong. Once I heard his voice, my body shut down. I replayed the message over and over in my head before I became sick. Then you called, and the rest is history."

  Marcus’ fury boiled over. It took everything he had to contain himself in front of her for he could not show her his true nature just yet.

  “Would you mind if I played it for you?” Sage asked. “I can’t repeat the words. I’m going to step out of the room while you listen. I can’t handle hearing it again tonight.”

  “Sure. I’ll listen to it. I’ll come get you when it’s over.”

  Sage walked into her bedroom. Dread filled her belly for she could already hear the words in her mind despite her efforts to get away.

  As Marcus listened to the words of the man who hurt the woman who held his soul in place, he vowed silently to find this man and make him pay dearly.

  “Sage?” Marcus called after ensuring he had his composure in place.

  Sage peeked her head out of her bedroom around the corner. “Is it over?” she asked timidly.

  “It is. Listen, Sage. I want you to know that you will not have to fear this man. You have my number in your phone from my calls and text messages, right?”


  “Save it to your contacts. No matter if this goes no further, I want you to know that I will forever protect you until my last breath.” Marcus failed to tell her that he would have no last breath—only Jake would. “It is late and I see that you are still troubled. Would you like me to leave you to yourself for the evening? I will only be a phone call away. Or I could stay if you like.”

  Sage wanted nothing more than Marcus to stay, yet she felt a sense of indescribable fear. She didn’t know why she would be afraid of Marcus staying over. Perhaps it was because she was conflicted over her feelings for him versus the fear of Jake’s return into her world. Now, she would have to move, change her name, and leave her ‘children’ behind. She thought of those adorable and smiling faces. She did not want to leave them behind, but she could not bear to place them in danger.

  “I think I’d like to be alone for a while, please. Please don’t be offended. I just need some time to let things settle.”

  “I completely understand. Remember,” he said as he bridged the physical space between them and clasped his hands around hers. “I am just a phone call away. He bent his head down and kissed the top of her hand as he made his departure.

  After Marcus left, Sage locked the doors and set the alarm. She was sure she wouldn't sleep any during the night, but to her surprise, she quickly feel asleep on the couch watching a re-run of I Love Lucy.


  Marcus slammed the car door shut before he stomped into his rented house. He knew he had to tell Sage how he felt, and sooner than later. Her life was being threatened by a sorry excuse for a human. He wouldn't let Jake get anywhere near his bride to be.

  As he entered his bedroom, Marcus walked over to his night stand and pulled open the top drawer. He reached in and pulled out the small black velvet box. Slowly he opened it and looked at the 3 karat princess cut diamond he had been holding onto. He closed the lid with a pop and placed back inside the drawer before he slammed it shut and retrieved his phone from his pocket. Unlocking the screen, he opened his text messages and pulled up Sage's name as he began to text her.

  Marcus: Meet me tomorrow at 11 at 213 North Starview Drive, Please.

  After the screen read sent, Marcus stripped his clothes and went into his restroom to shower. Many people would not think a vampire king needed to shower—that their god-like nature alone made them sparkle and shine, but he rather enjoyed the sensation of the water cascading off of his taut musculature.

  After drying off and getting dressed, Marcus picked up his phone, there was a new message from Sage.

  Sage: I'll be there. Thank you so much for tonight. I have never opened up to anyone about my past but I am glad I and did and I am glad it was you. I feel safe with you Marcus. I'm going to head to bed now, have a nice night and I'll see you in the morning, Goodnight <3

  Marcus beamed from ear to ear after reading her text. Tomorrow, he would lay it all on the line, tell her how he felt, and propose to her. He hoped she took it well, and hope she felt the same way. If she said yes, he would whisk her away, back to his castle and far, far away from Jake.

  Marcus curled up under his covers that night. His thoughts remained on Sage, on the trust you had in him, on the things she shared, on how she said she felt safe with him. He smiled as he thought of what tomorrow could bring, and hoped it would turn out like he wanted.


  The sun shone brightly through the window, warming Sage as she was still somewhat asleep in her bed. Yawning softly, she slowly sat up as her thoughts drifted toward Marcus. She knew she had feelings for him. After baring her soul and her past to him, she knew she loved him. The thought scared her, but at the same time it excited her. It was a totally different feeling than how she felt about Jake. That had to be a good sign right? She wondered where this address was going to lead her and what Marcus had planned for the day.

  Once Sage was out of bed, she took a quick shower and quickly decided to put on a yellow sun dress. She dressed, applied a light coating of make-up, and then went down to eat some cereal. She stared at the clock continually as she shoveled spoonful after spoonful of Cheerios in her mouth. The minutes on the clock seemed to be going slower than ever as she waited until time for her to leave. Sage was lost inside her own head when she heard the vibration from her phone, letting her know she had an incoming text.

  Marcus: Good morning beautiful, I hope you are having a great day so far. I can't wait to see you soon.

  Sage fought the urge to squeal like a high school teenage girl when she read his text. How sweet is this man?

  Sage: Good morning handsome. I am doing great, I hope you are too. I can't wait to see what you have planned and to finally get our chance at a date today.

  Sage quickly typed her reply before she got up to wash her breakfast dishes and to freshen up. Once she was sure she looked almost perfect, she grabbed her purse, her keys, and her phone from the bar and headed to the door. After setting the alarm and locking the door, she got into her car and noticed the notification light on her phone was blinking. She unlocked the phone and began to read his text.

  Marcus: I am doing great, just about to walk out the door. Please drive safe, Mi Amour, I shall see you soon.

  Sage looked puzzled. ‘Mi Amour?’ What does that mean, and I didn't know Marcus spoke another language. Shaking her head she backed out of her drive, closed the garage, and set out to her destination.

  The sun was bright, but Marcus was immune to the daylight. Normally, he only felt slightly weakened, but that didn’t matter. He was the oldest of their kind. This meant that ‘weak’ to him was still equal to another vampire’s ‘strongest’. The light fr
om the sun streamed through the foliage above as he sat on the picnic table waiting on Sage to arrive. Beads of sweat cascaded down his face. He must have been really nervous to sweat like human. Then again, he had not fed in a few days. He cast his gaze over the land that encompassed his lake front ranch. Any moment, he knew that Sage would be driving up. He felt like a boy approaching a girl for the first time. Then again, in the day of his youth, apprehension was not allowed or even known of. Men were men. Boys were men. Women were women. Things were much simpler back then, but he was dealing with a woman of the modern age. It was an age he almost detested, but his position required that he remain abreast of the knowledge that each generation presented.

  Yet, his nerves were not rustled from the idea of proposing to Sage. No, that was as natural as breathing was to all humans. He felt no apprehension in telling her of his feelings for her that he cultivated over the last five years. No, it was not that. His apprehension was linked to his true nature. He would have to tell her what he was and how he came to be. Would she reject him? Would she consider him crazy and call the police? Would she attempt to kill him? However, the first and foremost fear that wrapped his heart was that she wouldn't feel the same. Even more nervous that if she did, the truth about whom he was would frighten her and send her back into the arms of Jake, or someone much worse. The sound of gravel being driven across brought him back to the here and now as he saw Sage pulling up the drive in her blue Honda Passport. Sage gave him a quick wave as she pulled her car next to his black Ford F-150.