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ROMANCE: Vampire Romance Collection (Menage BBW Young Adult Paranormal) (Vampire Shapeshifter Romance Short Stories) Page 9

  “Fine. You don’t have to be such a dick about it.”

  “You would choose now to talk about my dick? Wow, and I thought you liked the blonde one.” Lucius said.

  Zechariah punched Lucius hard in the upper right arm. “Shut the fuck up, man. Just shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

  Lucius rubbed his arm, feigning pain. Zechariah didn’t actually hurt him. It took a lot more than a simple fist thrown at his flesh to feel any real pain, but that didn’t mean it was any less than annoying. “If I knew you were going to be so butt hurt about it…”

  “Let’s just go sit down, jackass. Jesus H. Christ, you’re such a stupid mother fucker.” Zechariah said to Lucius.

  The two men walked over to a booth positioned in such a manner that they could keep their eyes on the women for the evening. They knew they should stay away, but something drew both of them to the blonde one. If only she realized what a tease she had been.

  As they continued to watch the people in the room while keeping their eyes on the blonde woman behind the bar, they heard a gruff voice shout, “Gimme another hot shot, and make it snappy, doll!” Zechariah began to rise to his feet, but Lucius stopped him.

  “That jackass shouldn’t speak to her that way.”

  Lucius was growing weary of being the sane and rational one. Zechariah was always getting into trouble. He was the ‘eternal boy’, it seemed. “Listen, Zach. We are in a bar in what I believe to be the seedy part of town. That man is obviously bolloxed, so let it go.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He needs a fist in his face to plug up that fat cake hole of his. I think my fist is just the size.”

  “If he physically assaults her, we’ll step in, but not a moment before. Deal?”

  Zechariah, rarely one to back down from a brawl of any sort, looked at his friend and again at the women. They seemed to be accustomed to such trash talk, but he still didn’t think it was right. “Fine. I’ll chill for now, but the second that drunk ass gets up to hurt her, I’ll rip his throat out.”

  “As long as you don’t do it in public. Remember the last time?”

  “Yeah, yeah. That douche canoe deserved it.”

  “Yes, but you’re not supposed to leave witnesses behind.”

  “You wouldn’t let me do anything about that, either.”

  “We don’t hurt the innocent. Sometimes, they can’t defend themselves. If we’re bored, then we step in. Otherwise, we mind our own business.”

  Zechariah and Lucius continued their conversation long into the evening and seemed to be unaware that people were making their way out of the bar as it was nearing closing time. Last call had been made. Just then, after a night of avoiding her at all costs, the blonde woman began heading directly towards them. They overheard her banter with the other woman behind the bar, which they found quite entertaining.

  Leaning towards Lucius, Zechariah said, “And she’s feisty, too.” His lips curved upward in a predatory smile. “I wonder exactly how feisty she could be.” Little did they know, an opportunity just might present itself.


  Angelisa and Miranda not only were best friends and worked together. They also rented an apartment together. It was approximately three o’clock in the afternoon.

  “Mir, you work tonight right?” Angelisa asked.

  “Nope. Why? What’s up?”

  “Wait a minute. How did you rank a Saturday night off? That’s usually the busiest night of the week!”

  “I don’t know how. I didn’t ask for it or anything. I’m actually kind of pissed. It’s also the night of the week I make my best tips—which makes it worth dealing with drunken assholes.” Miranda responded as she pouted.

  “Hmmm,” Angelisa said. “I think I might have the perfect solution for you.” Her eyes filled with hope. “I’m thinking that you can cover for me? Justin asked me out, and I’ve already turned him down four weeks in a row because of work.”

  “I knew there was an ulterior motive to you asking.” Miranda said teasingly.

  “Hey, I wouldn’t ask if you were already working.”

  “Oh, yeah. That really helps. Of course I’ll take your shift. It’s not like I’m doing anything special.”

  “Yeah, because you have no life.”

  “Hey, now! I thought you wanted tonight off?” Miranda teased as she threw a couch cushion at Angelisa.

  “Thanks. I do owe you one. When you get a life or a boyfriend, I’ll definitely cover any shift you want me to.”

  All Miranda could do at this point was give the evil eye. She knew that Angelisa was right. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in over three years! It had been that long since she’d had sex as well—well, with someone other than herself. She often had to handle that business herself. It was growing rather boring on top of that.

  “So,” Miranda asked as she resigned to her lonely fate. “What time were you scheduled in?”

  “Oh, my gosh! I really do owe you. You know I love you, right?”


  “Eight o’clock. I’m eight o’clock to close.”

  “Yeah, you definitely owe me. This means I’ve got to deal with Mike and his crowd alone.”

  “You can handle them. Mike is more scared of you than you are of him.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that very seriously, but no matter. I’ll just make Marcus stick around.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Well, I’ve got to get ready. Justin’s picking me up at seven o’clock.”

  “Okay. Oh, and wear the black dress.”


  “Don’t ask. I just know. I’m awesome like that.”

  Angelisa walked into her room to get ready for her date with Justin. Miranda thought to herself, well, if I’ve got to work tonight, I might as well get ready now.

  Miranda went to her bedroom and put on her Ravenstone uniform which consisted of a tight-fitting black t-shirt with tight black skinny jeans. She had to wear a blood red apron around her waist with nickel-plated studs. She put on her uniform and styled her hair in a loose-fitting French braid. She checked the time and left to head in early.

  She walked in the club, but it was a little quieter than usual despite the VNV Nation blaring in the giant speakers that were mounted in the corner. She immediately spied Mike and his crowd at the end of the bar.

  “This is going to be a long night.” she said aloud to herself.

  “Hey, Miranda.” Christopher said. “What are you doing here?”

  Christopher was her boss and the owner of the club. For a guy who owned a gothic-themed night club, he sure did give off a ‘middle-class America’ vibe with his green polo shirt and khaki pants.

  “I am, but Angelisa was throwing up. Since I was off, I decided I’d cover for her. That’s okay, right?”

  “Yeah, totally. I didn’t realize she was ill. She looked okay last night.” he said feigning sympathy.

  “I think it’s something she ate. I think she had some bad oysters.”

  Miranda figured that was a good cover for Angelisa as any since Angelisa obviously didn’t call for herself.

  “Ahh, well, I scheduled her for the bar tonight. Mike and his crowd are already half toasted, so be careful. I’ve got to head out. Marcus will leave a little early because his kid is sick and his old lady has to get to work herself, but if you need anything or if anyone gets too rough, you have my number.”

  “Great.” she mumbled to herself.

  The night wore on as usual as the club filled with their usual customers. The two customers that Miranda did not notice, however, were Zechariah and Lucius. Then again, those two were very skilled at remaining unseen until they chose to be seen. They came in and sat in the same booth as the previous night, watching Miranda work.

  “What do you see in her?” asked Lucius. “Sure, she’s beautiful, but she’s just a woman. It’s not like there aren’t a million of them around.”

  “I don’t know. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but my gut tells me to be here tonight.” />
  “You’re always trying to find something to do, aren’t you? She’s in no danger. She just tends bar.”

  “I don’t like that guy at the end of the bar. He looks at her like—“

  “Like an animal about to devour its prey? Zechariah, you are such an eternal boy. The soldier in you has yet to cease to exist. Let me tell you something. You cannot save the world. You cannot fight everyone’s fight. You must fight your own.”

  “Oh, shut up, will you? You enjoy the fight just as I do. You especially enjoy the spoils of the battle.”

  “Well, what one of our kind does not enjoy that?” he responded. Lucius drew in a breath and exhaled as he continued, “Look, just tonight and then we find something better to do with our time. Okay?”

  Zechariah contemplated Lucius’ statement for a moment and said, “If nothing happens tonight, I’ll let you choose where we go tomorrow. Deal?”


  The two men sat in their booth until closing time. Marcus had already left for the evening leaving Miranda completely alone to shoo away the stragglers as the bar was closing up. “Angelisa sure better appreciate this.” she said to herself.

  “Hey, Mike?” she hollered to the end of the bar. Mike was sitting there with his friends, Ray and Charles as well as Charles’ date for the evening.

  “Whatcha want, toots?” he said in a half-ass attempt to be cute. This was Miranda’s cue that he was pretty much just above three sheets to the wind.

  “It’s time to close up.”

  “We’re going home?”

  “I’m going home. You’re free to go anywhere else you want.”

  “So, I can go home with you?” he said. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reeked of whiskey so bad that Miranda could smell it across the bar without getting too close. Mike obviously wasn’t letting it go, so she would have to be a little more forceful with him.

  “Mike, I’m going to my home. You and your friends are going to another bar or to your home.”

  “Fine.” he said, pouting. He and his friends got up, slapped some money on the bar to cover their tab, and headed out the door. “Frigid bitch!” Mike shouted back as he exited the club. Miranda heard him and all of his friends laughing at her expense. She didn’t care. She wasn’t frigid—quite the opposite. She just hadn’t found a guy worth sleeping with yet. She didn’t want to be someone else’s one night stand. She didn’t want a relationship either. It was hard for Miranda to describe, even to herself, what it was she wanted. Maybe one day, she’d figure it out. For not, her battery operated boyfriend would have to do.

  Miranda cleaned off the bar. It was then when she looked up and noticed the two men from last night sitting there. She walked over towards them and said, “Hey, excuse me guys. I’m not trying to be rude, but I’ve got to lock up.” She hoped that they took the hint. She was alone and didn’t want to have to suggest she get the bouncer. There was no bouncer—only her.

  “Certainly, madam.” Lucius said, smoothly. His deep voice danced on the air with his Irish lilt, nearly captivating Miranda in a trance.

  Zechariah stood up, towering over her. Miranda took a step back. He was huge! She estimated that he stood at least six feet and five inches tall. He grabbed Miranda’s hand and kissed the top. “My apologies, madam.” he said. “We did not intend to remain past our welcome. Good night.”

  Just like that, Zechariah and Lucius left the bar, but not before depositing a one hundred dollar bill on the table. Miranda was stunned. Surely, this was a mistake! It had to be, she thought to herself. They didn’t even order anything except two drinks.

  Miranda turned around, but they had disappeared. She clenched the large bill in her hand and deliberated for just a moment. She could keep the money, but that would be wrong. She turned to run after them, bursting through the door.

  “Hey, wait!” she yelled.

  Just then, she felt a sharp pain across her skull. Pain erupted from the base of her skull as it sent her crashing to the ground on her knees. She felt the warm liquid begin to seep from the wound. Her vision began to get blurry.

  “Calling for me, sweet thing?” she heard a voice say. She knew that raspy, drunken sound coupled with the stench of cheap, stale cigarettes and bottom-shelf whiskey. It was Mike. What the hell did I do to piss him off, she asked herself.

  Now, her blurry vision began to go dim. Darkness was setting in. Miranda wondered if this was it. Is this how I go down?


  Zechariah saw the ugly man from the end of the bar swing the metal pipe. He heard the crack it made as it connected with Miranda’s skull. Without thinking, he ran from where he stood a block away and punched Mike. His iron-like fist connected with the fat man’s jaw, causing it to shatter. Then, he grabbed the metal pipe and cracked Mike’s knees.

  “You do not attack a lady in such manner, you sorry ass bastard!” he shouted. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.”

  He leaned his head back as his razor-sharp fangs erupted from his top gum in front of where his eyeteeth were. He was hungry, but this man caused the lady pain without provocation. It was bad enough he dishonored her with his words, but this was unforgivable.

  A growl erupted from within his belly as he plunged his fangs into Mike’s artery and drained him dry.

  “You know what you have to do now, don’t you, Zechariah?” Lucius asked.

  Zechariah looked down at the fresh corpse that was Mike and spat on him. “Swine!” he shouted at the corpse. Turning to Lucius, “Of course I know what I have to do. I have been doing this for a while.”

  “I didn’t mean with the corpse, you eejit. I meant the bloody woman. We can’t leave her here to die. You’d never let me live it down.”

  “I don’t know why, Lucius, but I’m drawn to her. Aren’t you? I mean there’s something about her that’s different.”

  Miranda felt herself floating in the darkness. She heard two lyrical voices around her, but the words were minced.

  “…a hospital, you twit. She…die…”

  “…if we take her…blood…strong…can’t resist…”

  “You have to…needs a doctor…”

  “We …help her…we have that power.”

  I must be in Hell or Purgatory, she thought. Her hearing was becoming clearer. Where was she? Her eyes struggled to open, but finally, they cooperated. As she looked at her surroundings, she gasped and scrambled into the fetal position.

  “W-who are you? Why am I here?” Suddenly, the sharp pain throbbed at the base of her skull.

  Zechariah noticed she was awake and rushed to her side. “Shh, be still.” he said. “You were hit by a metal pipe. You’ve been out since last night.”

  “Last night?!?” she shrieked, but suddenly realized her shrieking was a bad idea. Her own excessive noise caused her pain to worsen. Lucius appeared next to her with a scotch glass full of water and two ibuprofen in his hand. “Here,” he said. “Take these. They’ll help with the pain.”

  She reluctantly did as instructed. She reasoned that if these men were out to hurt her they would have already done it. So, she relaxed a little and said, “Thank you.” After taking the ibuprofen, she decided to speak up. “Can I ask you two some questions?”

  What she really wanted to do was to nibble at the dark-haired one’s pouty lips, but her head still hurt too much to do anything about it. So, questions would have to do until the medication kicked in.

  “I suppose you’d want to know how you ended up here and why you’re not in a hospital.” Zechariah said.

  “I told you we should have taken her to the hospital!” Lucius snarled.

  Zechariah shot a furious look at Lucius. He couldn’t seem to get Lucius to understand the intensity of his attraction to this woman. It was more than just a physical one, though his member ached with desire from simply being near her. There was something deeper. He had the desire to protect her, but from what?

  “I’m just saying that perhaps we shouldn’t act li
ke kidnappers and take her to a hospital. At least there, her friends would know she was okay.”

  Angelisa, Miranda thought to herself! She must be going nuts!

  “Look, I’m going out for a minute.” Lucius said as he gave that look of knowing to Zechariah. Lucius was affected by Miranda’s presence just as Zechariah had been, but he was not as steady in his control. He needed sustenance and he needed it now.

  “Fine. You go. I’ll sit here.”

  With that, Lucius left. Zechariah was now alone with Miranda in his and Lucius’ library. At least, that’s what Miranda assumed considering books filled the ceiling-high shelves that lined every wall in the room.

  “So, madam. Won’t you tell me a little about yourself?” Zechariah sat next to Miranda on the black leather couch and propped his right ankle on his left knee.

  Miranda thought this whole thing was odd, but she went with it. Something about this man intrigued her, and in a very pleasant way. Ever since she laid her eyes on him that first night in the club, she felt drawn to him. Yet, she refused to get close. Now, she had the opportunity and after all, he did save her life. But, from what?

  “Well, I have a question first.”

  Zechariah was a little apprehensive, but obliged her.

  “What happened to me?”

  Images of attacking the man called ‘Mike’ flashed in his mind, stirring up his hunger. Still, no harm would come to her as long as he was around. “The man you call ‘Mike’ was waiting for you after you closed at your work. Lucius and I had just left, but we weren’t far. I noticed him loitering about, so I made Lucius stay behind with me. I had a bad feeling about his presence.” He looked down at the floor. “I am sorry I did not get there faster.”

  Miranda began to feel something more for her knight in shining armor, but she was reserved. She had to be. Every man she had ever had any kind of feelings for had hurt her. “It was not your fault. I’m glad you intervened when you did. I don’t know what would have happened…” Her voice trailed off as she thought about what Mike’s intentions most likely were. He had always been trying to get her and/or Angelisa to sleep with him. He didn’t seem to comprehend the word ‘no’.